Guru Some and Truth Be Told Wiki


Don't Shoot the Blueberry Mook! (Mook Situation)

Don't Shoot the Blueberry Mook! (Mook Situation)

Running from Characters (Mook Situation)

Running from Characters (Mook Situation)

They almost tell Mook Situation (Playstation 3 Game on Trailer in 2011)

They almost tell Mook Situation (Playstation 3 Game on Trailer in 2011)


Mook Situation

Chef Kawasaki say 'I got an Idea!'

Chef Kawasaki say 'I got an Idea!'

Mook Situation on Playstation 3 game is released in 2013. 10. 26. and 2014. 06. 20.

However, over time, after eat fried chicken, everyone becomes overweight, which Fat Guy from Stripperella sees as a partly good thing: no one is made fun of for being fat, Then the Crash Utau and Pepe, Saving some Kiko.

That birdy explode can kill enemies from Shrek series. Kiko the Rabbit some eat eggs, Then Nintendo Ds is EVO Search for Eden.


Protagonists 1[]

Stripy Cartoon


Protagonists 2[]

Antagonists 1[]

Antagonists 2[]

Ichigo Momomiya and Train Heartnet[]

KT요금을 내지 마세요, 결제내지 마세요, Anti-Freeze

중지 보고 있긴 왜 있어, 마기 더빙에 몰아 볼 수 있어

Anti-Virus, Anti-Blue Screen, Anti-Freeze Screen, Anti-Crash, Anti-Overheat, Anti-Slowdown (And I'll bet not a you can tickles yourselves either) 55 20150121

메모리 정리 시간

비만한 녀석 - 바이러스 제거, 블루스크린 제거, Anti-Freeze Screen, Anti-Hacking (2014. 09

Diet Time

Snaptrap, Chameleon, Bird Brain

Snaptrap, Chameleon, Bird Brain

Damage on Gallery[]

Qook Internet is broken

유해사이트로의 접속이 차단 되지않았어요.

Mook Situation - My Destiny

Mook Situation - My Destiny


톰과제리 테일즈에 카툰네트워크에서 중지보고 있어


  • That Episode on Guru Some and Truth Be Told from Timon and Pumbaa.
  • This Exercise time and Erase to American Site, get out them.
Ichigo Momomiya, Touko Zaizen, Wendy Marvell (Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending)

Ichigo Momomiya, Touko Zaizen, Wendy Marvell (Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending)
